We have had an interesting week. I was blessed to get three maple trees. One red maple and two regular ones. Other than that I have no clue of what kind they are. I got one planted which took a lot of work. I now have three levels. One level was worked on last year which was made to park our motorcycles during the riding season. The next was made to plant some of those yucca plants I spoke of last week. I needed another level to plant one of my maple trees. It is not quite the way I would like it too look but I could work on that more maybe in the fall.
Work in progress driveway level: flowerbed level and then top one is where my maple tree is now. |
That was a lot of rock moving and removing. I have been hauling the rocks and dead vegetation or weeds that I cleared out to this place ...
Fill area. We use this for our trailer storage during the winter. |
So far I have raised this almost two feet. It is a lot of work because this area must be at least 40 feet deep! Yes me and my trusty wheelbarrow or dolly have done this. Ok a lot of it. There was some added a few years ago by a back hoe (small one that is)
I love doing this work.
Friday the teachers made food of all kinds for the volunteers at the school. Once again it was fantastic. Salads, pickles, chicken wings, buns, crackers and cheeses lastly a really nice lemon square was enjoyed by all the ladies and gentleman that joined the luncheon.
For a lot of people the children are out for summer. Ours usually aren't out until the end of June but the teachers voted for a strike. I wish all the teachers strength during this very difficult time. You deserve so much more than what is being asked for or given.
On Friday evening I went to another scrap booking weekend. It was a great time and I got quite a few pages done for my Disney 2011 album. I have filled one 12 X 12 album and I am sure I will fill another one as soon as I can find one. The one I have is a Creative Memories Disney cover set black with some red writing on it. I should really look for one in earnest now.
Today is one of those rainy days. It has rained on and off all night also during the day. Just about 15 minutes ago it was a down pour! Came down in sheets. But between the rain and more rain we managed to bring in a cord of wood. Yay once again we will be nice and cozy this winter.